Welcome to the APEC CD Virtual Working Group on Data Exchange!

APEC CD Virtual Working Group on Data Exchange


The VWG on Data Exchange was established in 2012 in order to facilitate the CD’s contribution to the APEC Agenda through information sharing, fostering cooperation between business and governments on voluntary initiatives, enhancing synergy and complementarities with other regional and international institutions and fora on the issues of mutual concern.

The VWG on Data Exchange undertake activities within three work streams:

  • Information sharing - information and knowledge sharing on chemical management practices;
  • Voluntary initiatives - enabling cooperation between business and governments to improve chemical product stewardship and safe use (voluntary initiatives promotion);
  • Cooperation with international fora - cooperation and coordination with other international and regional organizations on the issues of mutual concern (e.g. OECD, UN, SAICM etc.).


VWG DE welcomes your comments and suggestions which you can leave on the portal or email them to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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