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Next conference call
In the period of 12-16 of February 2019 the first conference call of the VWG DE in the year 2019 will be organized prior to the 22th CD meeting. The more precise date of the conference call will be announced.
The Work of the group is carried out intersessionally via correspondence and teleconferences hosted by the Co-Chair using VWG DE Communication Platform.
As stated in the TOR 2018 at the beginning of each year the VWG DE should review its work plan of activities for the following year, which should be presented to the CD at Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) 1.
For these reasons there are several matters on the conference call agenda such as revision of the Terms of reference and the Workplan 2019 and ensuring their alignment with the CD’s goals and strategic objectives, discussion of the ongoing and new possible activities within work streams of the group.