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Platform of the APEC CD Virtual Working Group on Data Exchange
The current platform is designed by CIS Center to facilitate the VWG activities. It can be used to exchange the information supporting the aims and tasks of the VWG, such as publicly available materials or comments.
Publishing of the materials is permitted only to the registered members of the VWG. The authors of the articles or comments are responsible for compliance with copyright laws. The list of registered members is accessible only to the other registered members.
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The 22th CD meeting
The chemical industry is a cross-cutting sector that contributes to most industrial and many non-industrial sectors—its products are widely traded across borders, and it is a key economic building block in APEC economies.
The Chemical Dialogue (CD) serves as a forum for regulatory officials and industry representatives to find solutions to challenges facing the chemical industry in the Asia-Pacific Region. It reflects APEC members' recognition of the importance of engaging with the private sector and of building public-private dialogue and cooperation for the benefit of both sectors.
The issues that are addressed include chemical sector liberalization, chemical trade facilitation and capacity building.
The CD also focuses on improving regulatory policies and practices: it seeks workable regulatory programs which ensure that regulatory, safety, and environmental goals can be implemented by both governments and businesses.
The Chemical Dialogue (CD) continues to discuss ways to contribute to APEC's overarching goals of trade liberalization and business facilitation.
The next meetings of the 22th CD will be hold
on 23 February 2019
CD Chemical Dialogue Steering Group – Industry Pre-Meeting
in Santiago, Chile
on 24 February 2019
CD Chemical Dialogue Steering Group – Plenary Meeting
in Santiago, Chile
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Next conference call
In the period of 12-16 of February 2019 the first conference call of the VWG DE in the year 2019 will be organized prior to the 22th CD meeting. The more precise date of the conference call will be announced.
The Work of the group is carried out intersessionally via correspondence and teleconferences hosted by the Co-Chair using VWG DE Communication Platform.
As stated in the TOR 2018 at the beginning of each year the VWG DE should review its work plan of activities for the following year, which should be presented to the CD at Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) 1.
For these reasons there are several matters on the conference call agenda such as revision of the Terms of reference and the Workplan 2019 and ensuring their alignment with the CD’s goals and strategic objectives, discussion of the ongoing and new possible activities within work streams of the group.