UN Subcommittee of experts on the GHS develops a project on the establishing of the global list of chemicals classified according to the GHS

Attached files are related documents of the UN Subcommittee of experts on the GHS

Download this file (ST-SG-AC10-C4-2010-20e.doc)ST-SG-AC10-C4-2010-20e.doc[ ]2012-12-21 13:58
Download this file (ST-SG-AC10-C4-48e.pdf)Report on the 24 session[ ]2013-04-30 11:39
Download this file (UN-SCEGHS-19-INF04.doc)UN-SCEGHS-19-INF04.doc[ ]2012-12-21 13:59
Download this file (UN-SCEGHS-24-INF38e.doc)UN-SCEGHS-24-INF38e.doc[ ]2012-12-21 13:59
Download this file (UN-SCEGHS-24-INF39e.doc)UN-SCEGHS-24-INF39e.doc[ ]2012-12-21 13:59

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